I hope everyone is having a good summer.
Last year 70% of Stanford Anesthesia residency graduates went on to a fellowship, which was an all time high, and this yr the % is likely to be even higher.
Many of the current CA3s have secured fellowships for next yr and we are delighted with the results so please join me in congratulating them! The list is below.
Other CA3s are interested in pediatric anesthesia and pain medicine fellowships and the match for those is in the Fall so when we know the results will let everyone know, as well with the CA3s that go on to community or academic practice.
Nick Anast, Cardiac Anesthesia, Stanford
Kevin Blaine, Critical Care Medicine, National Institutes of Health, Bethesda, MD
Jorge Caballero, FARM Research, Stanford
Craig Chen, Critical Care Medicine, Stanford
Estee Garazi, Cardiac Anesthesia, University of Miami, Miami, FL
Robert Groff, Critical Care Medicine, Stanford
Leslie Hale, Critical Care Medicine, Stanford
Reed Harvey, Cardiac Anesthesia, UCLA
Ryan Mountjoy, Regional Anesthesia, Duke
Marie McHenry, Cardiac Anesthesia, Texas Heart Institute, Houston, TX
Carter Peatross, Cardiac Anesthesia, Mayo Clinic, Rochester, MN
Lindsay Raleigh, Combined Cardiac Anesthesia/Critical Care Medicine, Stanford
Eric Sun, FARM Research, Stanford
Jim Tan, Regional Anesthesia, Stanford