We are delighted to report that we are well underway in being able to offer a Clinical Base Year as part of our Anesthesia Residency.
This means we have 8 Categorical Stanford Anesthesia positions.
The yr is divided into thirteen 4 week rotations structured similarly to the Stanford preliminary medicine year. Typical rotations include one each of the following Emergency Medicine, ICU, Anesthesiology, as well as 7 Medicine Inpatient rotations (e.g., General Medicine or specialty inpatient rotations such as Cardiology), and 1 consult service (e.g., pulmonary). Stanford Anesthesia Interns also spend approximately 2-3 half-days per month in the Stanford Anesthesia Preoperative Evaluation Clinic or in a simulation session approximately once a month.
There are 4 wks vacation, in 2 week blocks. There is 1 unpaid week off at next year’s end from June 25-June 30.