The Department of Anesthesia’s annual Research Awards Dinner was held April 30th, 2012 with Reception and abstract viewing from 5 to 6:30pm, dinner from 630-730pm, and then the Presentation and Awards.
We had 60 poster presentations and four oral presentations. Mervyn Maze UCSF Chair was the guest commentator. There were awards for the best abstract in six categories as below:
Best basic science abstract: Eric Gross (FARM research fellow), for “Abdominal Incision‐induced Cardioprotection in Rodents is Mediated By A Novel Neuronal Nociceptive Pathway Via an epsilon and gamma Protein Kinase C‐Dependent Mechanism”
Best clinical abstract: Debra Clay (et al.), for “Why Patients Consume Opioids Post Surgery”
Best abstract by a FARM Resident Fellow: Boris Heifets (et al.), for “Improving deep brain stimulation through targeted synaptic modification”
Best abstract by a T32 fellow: Robin White (et al.), for “MicroRNA-320 Induces Neurite Outgrowth by Targeting ARPP-1”
Best case study resident: Trevor Chan (CA1), for “A Case of Electroconvulsive Therapy-Induced Neurogenic Pulmonary Edema”
Best educational abstract: Erin Hennessey (Chief Resident last year), for “A Multi‐Media Educational Curriculum Targeting Housestaff Interactions With Patients and Families in the ICU.”
It is true that how great the education of housestaff is depends greatly on how great the clinical care is and how great the scholarship is (such as was exhibited in the above get together).