Given the surging interest in medical education, especially within anesthesia and especially at Stanford, the department is considering to formally begin offering an innovative and first class fellowship after residency: the Stanford Anesthesia Fellowship in Medical Education.
The details of this one year fellowship have been discussed by the Education Workgroup and Education Committee in preparation for presentation at the June faculty retreat.
The proposed Fellowship experience takes advantage of all the great existing education resources at Stanford and the VA and is tailored to the individual physician’s background and goals but would have several available elements the fellow could choose from:
- One-hour Medical Education Seminar Series held weekly Wednesdays from 12PM to 1PM July through June.
- Medical Education Fellows’ Seminar covering theory and methods in medical education research in the Stanford Center for Medical Education Research and Innovation (SCeMERI). Wednesdays from 2PM to 4PM.
- Stanford Anesthesia Teaching Scholars Sessions once a month. (5:15PM to 6:45PM)
- Scholarship project in medical education. This may include instructional design, curriculum development, or evaluation and could focus: on clinical skills, compassion and humanism, or professionalism. Mentorship will be provided by Fellowship faculty. Upon completion, project presented at the Innovations in Medical Education national meeting.
- Participation at one or more education meeting. (Eg AAMC, SEA, ACGME).
- Teaching opportunities including ImPRINT (Intern PReparedness using INnovations in Teaching).
- Simulation experiences across Stanford (for example the EVOLVE program) and the VA and include instructor course.
- Medical media experience via AIM lab.
- Educators-4-C.A.R.E Mentor.(
- Improving Teaching Effectiveness across Medical Education Contexts. Stanford Faculty Development Center for Medical Teachers.
- To pay salary Fellows work as an attending in the Stanford operating rooms 12 hours (one day=7am-5pm=10 hrs for example) of clinical activity/week.