Applicant question:
Please describe in more detail the ICU experience for anesthesia residents at Stanford. Thank you.
Stanford Anesthesia residents rotate through four different ICUs, each with different patient population types. At Stanford University Hospital these ICUs are the:
- Medical-Surgical ICU: The service assumes primary responsibility for all critically ill Medicine, Medical Subspecialty, and Surgical Subspecialty patients, with the exception of Neurosurgical/Stroke patients co-managed by the Neurosurgery, Neurology, and Critical Care teams.
- Trauma Surgery ICU: The team assumes primary responsibility for all critically ill trauma patients and co-manages all General Surgery patients
- Cardiothoracic Surgery ICU: The team co-manages all patients with the Cardiothoracic Surgery team.
In addition, the anesthesia residents play vital roles on Rapid Response teams and Code teams.
The fourth site for ICU experience for anesthesia residents is the Medical-Surgical ICU in the Palo Alto VA Medical Center. This service has primary responsibility for all Medicine patients and co-manages Surgical and Cardiothoracic Surgery patients.
All ICU services are supervised by faculty from Anesthesia-Critical Care, Pulmonary Critical Care, and General/Trauma Surgery.
All ICU services include full-time Critical Medicine Fellows.
Anesthesia residents in the ICU work with Internal Medicine, Emergency Medicine, General Surgery, and Neurology housestaff, and are responsible for patient admissions, diagnostic evaluations, care plan development, and interventions.